photos, funnies and me

About Me

My photo
seattle, wa, United States
i'm a seattle based photographer that is available for a wide range of projects that include portraits, editorial and event coverage. visit my website at for portfolios and contact info.


welcome to my blog

well, the time has come. after years of reading and following them, i'm biting the internet bullet and finally making one of my own...a blog.

i'm hoping to use this as a place to share what photos i'm working on, what makes me laugh and random thoughts and suggestions. i won't bore you with deep personal details, because frankly, it's not really the stuff page turners are made of. but rather i'm going to put a few funnies, songs, new stories in front of you that you wouldn't have otherwise seen, heard or read.
i can promise you it will be an awkward beginning but no doubt somewhat amusing.

anyway, hope you stick with me for a while and thanks for blog.

annie b.


  1. Hi Annie B! So I had no idea you were a photographer. I noticed the pics of you and the girls up in the mtns and thought wow she takes amazing photos. I'm loving your stuff. And congrats on your first exhibit. Exciting stuff! Can't wait to see what else you pick out. Best of luck to you and if you ever wanna chat photo stuff let me know. xoxo

  2. Hey Shelby! So, I just saw this. Apparently I haven't figured out the whole comment email notification portion of blogging yet. :)

    Thanks so much for the encouragement! I've only been doing it for a few months and wow is it full filling/overwhelming. So much to learn!

    I just love your blog. And I have to say your work really inspires me. You guys seem like you have such a great time doing what your doing.

    And as far as photostuff goes, I'd actually love to pick your brain about your site and Photoshop sometime.

    Thanks again and I hope we cross paths soon! XOXO

