photos, funnies and me

About Me

My photo
seattle, wa, United States
i'm a seattle based photographer that is available for a wide range of projects that include portraits, editorial and event coverage. visit my website at for portfolios and contact info.


seattle academy alumni art show....

well, i've been asked to show some of my photos in the seattle academy art show this may. the deadline is quickly approaching so i've been trying to weed out my favorite/best 6-8. it's a lot harder than i initially thought it would be. being that this is the first time my work will be displayed in a public setting, i have to be sure these 6-8 photos are not only the best that i've got but that they also show my range. easier said than done. here are a few that have made the cut so far.


  1. WOW! I feel so honored that one of your Baby J pictures made it!!! You are oh so talented and I am excited for your big show!!! xoxoxo

  2. Thanks Tara! His little face is just too sweet, I couldn't help myself. :) xoxox

