ok, well maybe not photojournalism per se but exciting nonetheless.
a while back Justin of the Bacon Salt empire asked me to shoot a mock gallery opening for a bust of Kevin Bacon made out of...yup, Bacon. of course i jumped at the opportunity being that 1. i love bacon and 2. some of my shots would end up on the interwebs and that bacon lovers across the country would see my work and thus thrust me into the spot light as bacon photographer extraordinaire. ok, again...maybe not bacon photographer extraordinaire but photos in an AOL article at the very least.
anywho, i am thrilled to share with you a screen shot of the article with one of the said photos and to ask that you visit the ebay auction and throw down a bid on BKB because in the end, it's all for a good cause. oh and it's there that you can see a great shot of Patrick and BKB sharing a "moment."
Click here to see the full article; http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/artist-makes-kevin-bacon-statue-out-of-bacon/19648296
And Here for the Ebay site; http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270639833575
And here for some hilarious comments on it all; http://www.fark.com/cgi/comments.pl?IDLink=5656687
I love that!!!!! Does it smell? Congrats on your big debut, first of many moments in the spotlight.