photos, funnies and me

About Me

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seattle, wa, United States
i'm a seattle based photographer that is available for a wide range of projects that include portraits, editorial and event coverage. visit my website at for portfolios and contact info.


oi vey, bingo wednesday

i won't lie. i'm feeling a little sluggish today. may have something to do with the copious amounts of wine that i consumed last night but good lord, was it worth it. last night my adorable and oh so talented sister hosted Bingo Night at 9 Million Unmarked Bills (the old Triangle) in Fremont and she was AMAZING! my purple chompers were out and proud, cause that girl is hilarious! so, if you find yourself in fremont next wednesday and are looking for some good "clean" bingo fun, swing by to see the cutest bingo announcer this side of the fremont bridge. love you Ry Ry!


  1. that is hilarious that Ryan does Bingo!! I used to play with my grandma and great grandma but never with purple chompers. Damm....need to get back into it. Did you bring your own dobbers in your bingo purse?

  2. gurl, you know it. i came equipped with my gold plated dobber and a hot pink troll doll for good luck. too bad neither of them time. next time for sure.

